Enlightenment of LIU Rui-long's Thought of Agricultural Education to Open Education of Agricultural Professional
中文关键词: 刘瑞龙农业教育思想  涉农专业  开放教育
英文关键词: LIU Rui-long's Thought of Agricultural Education  Agricultural Professional  Open Education
马素萍 南通市广播电视大学江苏 南通 226006 
张建锋 南通市广播电视大学江苏 南通 226006 
摘要点击次数: 2073
全文下载次数: 1364
      刘瑞龙农业教育思想深刻内涵为:“以农为本”,积极服务于农村社会经济发展是农业教育的出发点;产学研相结合,是搞好农业教育的切入点;一支理念新、技术精、德才兼备的农业教育专兼职师资队伍是搞好农业教育的支撑点。刘瑞龙农业教育思想对涉农专业开放教育的启示:涉农专业开放教育发展与服务“三农”相结合,科学定位人才培养目标;遵循 “教育、生产、科学相结合”的方针,积极探索涉农专业开放教育办学模式多元化,不断创新农业教育人才培养模式;立足农村社会经济发展的需要,开展好涉农专业开放教育专业设置和课程体系建设,进一步强化实践教学环节;进一步加强涉农专业开放教育教师队伍建设,构建一支结构合理、相对稳定和高素质的涉农专业开放教育专业化教师队伍。
      The agricultural education thought of LIU Rui-long has profound connotation,namely, the agricultural education should be based on the agriculture. Servicing actively the rural social and economic development is the starting point of the agricultural education, the combination of production, study and research is the breakthrough point. Also an agricultural education mtcsol faculty with new thought, skilled technology and having both ability and political integrity is the support point of good agricultural education. LIU Rui-long thought of agricultural education to guide agricultural professional education has important practical significance. This paper studies its enlightenment on the improvement of the open education of the agricultural professional on the basis of analyzing the profound connotation of LIU Rui-long agricultural education thought. In detail, the development of agriculture education should combine the service of three agriculture and locate scientifically the aim of talents training goal. We should follow the policy of combining education, production and scientific, explore actively the training mode of open agricultural professional education, and innovate continuously the training mode, and so on. At last, an agricultural professional open education team with reasonable structure, relatively stable and high-quality specialization should be built
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