The Role of Neo-village Elite Culture in Building Rural Well-off Society and Its Realization——A Case Study of Neo-village Elite Culture in Shangyu Distric tShaoxing City Zhejiang Province
中文关键词: 新乡贤文化  农村小康建设  实现路径
英文关键词: neo-village elite culture  rural well-off construction  realization path
杨琴 中共绍兴市上虞区委党校浙江 绍兴 312300 
叶方 中共绍兴市上虞区委党校浙江 绍兴 312300 
余彩龙 中共绍兴市上虞区委党校浙江 绍兴 312300 
黄智光 中共绍兴市上虞区委党校浙江 绍兴 312300 
摘要点击次数: 2620
全文下载次数: 961
      Neo-village elite culture is not only the inheritance of the traditional culture, but also an extension and expansion. It should include neo-village elite composition, the background and connotation of the content. Neo-village elite culture is a good recipe for building a well-off society in an all-round way in rural areas. It plays an important role in promoting the prosperity of culture, leading the social customs in rural areas, boosting the rural economic development, promoting social stability in rural areas, promoting rural ecological civilization and improving the grassroots governance system Indispensable role. It needs the top-level design to cultivate and carry forward the Neo-village elite culture, which can start from the three aspects of exploring the village elite culture, reconstructing the participation mechanism and perfecting the system foundation
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