Land Expropriation and House Removal, Transformation of Rural Residentsinto Urban Residents and Farmers’ Property Rights--Based on the Investigation of Beichengzhang Village, Daxing District, Beijing
中文关键词: 城市化  征地拆迁  农民转居民  农民财产权
英文关键词: urbanization  land expropriation and house removal  transformation of ruralresidents into urban residents  farmers' property rights
张英洪 北京市农村经济研究中心北京100101 
刘雯 北京市农村经济研究中心北京100101 
摘要点击次数: 2078
全文下载次数: 661
      Based on the investigation of land expropriation and house removal, transformation of rural residents into urban residents, and reform of the system of collective property rights in Beichengzhuang Village in Daxing District of Beijing, the authors consider that the core problem of the village in the rapid urbanization process is to protect and develop farmers' property rights. So it should fundamentally change the current land expropriation thought and land expropriation regime to ensure the equal status for the two kinds of land public ownership, implement the reform of the household registration system and abolish the policy of transferring farmers into urban residents, implement the policy system that rural collective lands can be built into cities as well as state-owned lands, abolish the village committee organization without agriculture, farmers or village, namely "empty village", and perfect the disposal measures for collective assets in the abolished villages.
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