Promoting the Revitalization of the Capital Rural Industry by Classification —Based on the Investigation of 100 Villages and 1000 Households in Beijing
中文关键词: 首都五类村庄  乡村产业振兴  分类推进
英文关键词: five types of villages in Beijing  rural industrial revitalization  promoting rural revitalization for different types of villages
基金项目:北京市农村经济研究中心 2018年重大课题(ZDN201801)
王丽红 北京市农村经济研究中心北京 100101 
摘要点击次数: 2307
全文下载次数: 640
      产业兴旺是乡村振兴的重点,然而,当前首都乡村振兴普遍缺乏主导产业支撑,各类型村庄产业发展面临不同的发展条件和困境。通过对北京市 13个涉农区 48个乡镇 116个村的 1 272个农户的调查,具体分析了首都乡村三无村、拆迁村、倒挂村、空心村和传统村五类村庄产业振兴存在问题及原因,针对五类村庄,围绕完善乡村产业振兴的体制机制、提升基础设施建设和公共服务水平、加快培育新产业新业态和构建乡村产业发展服务体系四个方面提出了分类推进首都乡村产业振兴的建议。
      Industrial prosperity is the focus of rural revitalization. However, the rural revitalization in Beijing generally lacks the support of leading industries, and different types of village industries have different development conditions and dilemmas. Based on the investigation of 1272 farmers in 116 villages, 48 towns, 13 agriculture-related areas in Beijing, this paper analyzes the existing problems and causes during the industrial revitalization for five types of villages such as “nonstandard village”(without farmer, without village, without agriculture), “demolition village”,“insolvency village”, “empty shell village", and “traditional village”. At last, this paper puts forward to some suggestions on improving the system of rural industrial revitalization, upgrading infrastructure construction and public service level, accelerating the new industrial development, and building a rural industrial service system.
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