乡村振兴背景下祠堂文化实践价值探析——基于江西省赣中景贤村 J氏祠堂的调查
Analysis of Practice Value of Ancestral Temple Culture Under the Backgroundof Rural Revitalization —— Based on Survey of J Ancestral Temple in Jingxian Village,Jiangxi
中文关键词: 乡村振兴  祠堂文化  思想政治工作  乡风文明
英文关键词: rural revitalization  ancestral temple culture  ideological and political work  local custom civilization
卢凯 武汉理工大学马克思主义学院湖北武汉 430070 
梅运彬 武汉理工大学马克思主义学院湖北武汉 430070 
摘要点击次数: 1751
全文下载次数: 599
      Under the background of rural revitalization, rural people's pursuit of sense of fulfillment, happiness and security of a better life is more intense, their subjective awareness and self-development needs are also enhanced. Ancestral temple culture, as a symbol of rural memory, also faces a new development. Ancestral temple culture is the reflection of social existence, with the characteristics of sociality, inheritance, stability and times, as well as playing a role of guarantee, cohesion, education and inspiration. It is proposed to integrate ancestral temple culture into rural ideological and political work, promote the construction of local custom civilization and rural revitalization, so as to realize the new development of beautiful rural construction.
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