Innovative Research on Ideological and Political Work in Higher Vocational Colleges——From the Perspective of COVID-19 Epidemic Prevention and Control
中文关键词: 高等职业院校  疫情防控新形势  思想政治工作  创新
英文关键词: higher vocational colleges  new situation of epidemic prevention and control  ideological and political work  innovation
基金项目:北京市党的建设研究会 2020年度立项课题(050)
王凌云 北京农业职业学院北京 102442 
万俊丽 北京农业职业学院北京 102442 
黄颖 北京农业职业学院北京 102442 
赵章彬 北京农业职业学院北京 102442 
摘要点击次数: 1480
全文下载次数: 639
      面对新冠肺炎疫情防控的新形势,高职院校要发挥思想政治工作的 “生命线 ”作用,加强思想建设,用习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想指导应对疫情防控的挑战;要找准切入点和着力点,做好宣传教育工作;要以思政课为平台,统筹课上课下,将疫情防控的思政元素有机融入课堂,防控与育人两手抓,把思想政治教育工作推向深入,为高职院校全面落实立德树人的根本任务提供强大助力。
      Facing the new situation of COVID-19 epidemic prevention and control, higher vocational colleges should play the role of ideological and political work as "lifeline", strengthen ideological construction to meet the challenge of epidemic prevention and control with the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era. It is necessary to find the pointcut and focus to do a good job of publicity and education. It is also necessary to take ideological and political courses as the platform to integrate ideological and political elements of epidemic prevention and control into the classroom, carry out both prevention and control and education, push the work of ideological and political education to a deeper level, so as to provide strong support for higher vocational colleges to fully implement the fundamental task of cultivating virtues and morality.
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