Current Situation and Solution Analysis on Pilot Construction of New Collective Forest Farms in Beijing
中文关键词: 集体林权制度改革  新型集体林场  试点建设
英文关键词: reform of collective forest tenure system  new collective forest farms  pilot construction
基金项目:北京市园林绿化局 2020年市财政专项资助(2020-LYGGFZC-02-003)
张国祯 北京市园林绿化局北京 100013 
王小平 北京市园林绿化局北京 100013 
摘要点击次数: 1765
全文下载次数: 709
      2018—2020年,北京市集体林权制度改革深入发展,京郊大地创新性建成 42个新型集体林场试点并取得显著成效。试点建设过程中存在部分乡镇政府对新型集体林场定位不准确、配套政策不完善、机制体制不健全等问题。通过分析问题,提出坚持政府主导,发挥新型集体林场体制优越性;坚持部门联动,构建完善的配套政策体系;坚持问题导向,建立健全长效工作机制等对策措施;以推动新型集体林场高质量发展。
      From 2018 to 2020, the reform of collective forest tenure system was further developed in Beijing, and 42 new collective forest farms (NCFFs) were innovatively set up in suburbs of Beijing. At the same time, there were some problems in the process of pilot construction, such as inaccurate orientation of NCFFs in township government level, lack of systematic supporting policies and mechanisms. Based on problem analysis, this paper puts forward some solutions and specific measures to give full play to the role of NCFFs through government leading, build a sound supporting policy system of NCFFs through departments linkage, establish and perfect a long-term working mechanism of NCFFs through problem orientation, so as to boost high-quality development of NCFFs.
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