Practice and Exploration of Standardized Development of Rural Collective Economic Organizations in Haidian District in Beijing
中文关键词: 农村集体经济组织  集体产权制度改革  市场主体  海淀区
英文关键词: rural collective economic organizations  reform of rural collective property rights system  market entities  Haidian District
王丽红 北京市农村经济研究中心北京 100101 
侯晓博 北京市海淀区农业农村局北京 100193 
夏宇 北京市海淀区农业农村局北京 100193 
摘要点击次数: 1673
全文下载次数: 971
      Since 2002, Haidian District has unswervingly promoted the reform of rural collective property rights system, strengthened the construction of new-type rural collective economic organizations, and gradually established a set of scientific, reasonable, and realistic institutional system, explored the effective realization path of construction and development of collective economic organizations, and creatively solved the major contradictions and problems such as open markets and closed property rights, standardized management and deregulated operations, clarification of ownership and protection of membership rights faced by rural collective economic organizations development in the process of urbanization, which provides a local model for standardized development of collective economic organizations, and provides a reference for the legislative work of collective economic organizations in China. In view of the main contradictions faced by collective economic development in Haidian District, this paper suggests to promote standardized development of collective economic organizations from three aspects: the first is to explore the Party’s effective realistic form of strengthening rural collective economy, the second is to guide collective capital to participate in new-type urban form construction, the third is to promote rural collective economic organizations development after urbanization by deepening reform.
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