Joint Path Between Income Increasing of Low-Income Farmers and Rural Revitalization in Beijing
中文关键词: 低收入农户  乡村振兴  衔接路径  生计资本
英文关键词: low-income farmers  rural revitalization  joint path  livelihood capital
黄杰 北京市农林科学院北京 100097 
李冬霞 北京市农林科学院北京 100097 
赵秋菊 北京市农林科学院北京 100097 
摘要点击次数: 1295
全文下载次数: 784
      In two different historical periods, Beijing has implemented two main strategies in rural areas: one is income increasing of low-income farmers, the other is rural revitalization. During the 13th Five-Year Plan period, Beijing focused on implementing the“ six batches” measures to increase income of low-income farmers and achieved remarkable results. In the 14th Five-Year Plan period, rural revitalization will become more and more important in rural areas. Therefore, the new challenge is how to join the income increasing strategy of low-income farmers and rural revitalization strategy. Through an in-depth analysis of the logical relationship between income increasing of low-income farmers and rural revitalization, the economic growth theory and the comprehensive development theory are the different theoretical foundations of the two strategies. In comparison, the increasing of peasant households’livelihood capital and the enhancement of ability to resist fragile environment are the main cores of the two strategies. Therefore, the joint path between the achievements of income increasing of low-income farmers and the comprehensive rural revitalization strategy will be to sort out and establish the resources of industry, ecology, culture, talents, and organization, which is based on the livelihood capital framework in the future.
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