乡村振兴内源式发展的要素和机制研究——以山东省寿光市C 村为例
Elements and Mechanism of Endogenous Development of Rural Revitalization——Taking Village C in Shouguang Shandong for Example
中文关键词: 乡村振兴  外源式发展  内源式发展  要素  机制
英文关键词: rural revitalization  exogenous development  endogenous development  element  mechanism
杨世平 华东政法大学 政治学与公共管理学院上海 201620 
摘要点击次数: 1888
全文下载次数: 499
      乡村振兴依赖于何种动力源是决定乡村能否实现可持续发展的关键因素。近年来,纯粹依赖于市场或政府的外源式发展模式在乡村遭遇“不适”。而内源式发展理论提供了激活乡村内生动力的新路径。山东省寿光市C 村的个案研究表明,乡村振兴内源式发展的要素包括资源内生、文化认同、组织动员、市场开拓和服务优先。在探索五种要素基础上,建构了内源式发展机制,其存在于主体、资源和规则三个层面,对乡村振兴具有借鉴意义。
      What kind of power source rural revitalization depends on is the key factor that determines whether rural areas can achieve sustainable development. In recent years, the exogenous development mode that relies purely on the market or the government has encountered“ discomfort” in rural areas. On the contrary, the endogenous development theory provides a new way to activate the endogenous power in rural areas. A case study of village C in Shouguang Shandong shows that the elements of endogenous development of rural revitalization include endogenous resources, cultural identity, organizational mobilization, market development and service priority. On the basis of exploring the five elements, this paper proposes to construct endogenous development mechanism, which exists in the three levels of subject, resource and rule, and has reference significance forr ural revitalization.
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