Application Screening and Evaluation of Cerasus spp. in Yuyuantan Park in Beijing
中文关键词: 樱花品种  层次分析法  应用筛选  评价  北京地区
英文关键词: Cerasus spp.  analytic hierarchy process  application screening  evaluation  Beijing
孙玉红 北京市玉渊潭公园管理处北京 100142 
李进宇 北京市园林科学研究院北京 100102 
赵爽 北京市玉渊潭公园管理处北京 100142 
胡娜 北京市玉渊潭公园管理处北京 100142 
摘要点击次数: 1717
全文下载次数: 772
      结合北京气候、土壤条件,以及公园多年引种成功和管护樱花的实践经验,侧重品种适应性、景观应用价值,从花期、形质性状、整体观赏效果、适应性和稀有度等方面进行樱花品种的应用筛选评价,采用层次分析法对北京玉渊潭公园的7 个品系30 个樱花品种开展评价。评价结果表明,筛选出适应性强、长势好,可在北京地区推广应用的品种包括:山樱、大山樱、阳光、杭州早樱、染井吉野以及江户彼岸等早樱品种10 个;松前早咲、八重红大岛和八重红彼岸等中樱品种6 个;花笠、普贤象等晚樱品种4 个。在北京适宜性稍差,宜背风向阳的小环境下栽植的品种包括八重红枝垂、思川、兰兰、小松乙女等。根据不同品种的花期、适应性、整体观赏效果,提出最佳配置应用方案,为北京地区樱花特色专类园景观设计和品种间的搭配提供参考。
      In this study, Based on the climate and soil conditions in Beijing, as well as the practical experience of successful introduction and management and protection of Cerasus spp. in the park for many years, this study focuses on variety adaptability and landscape application value, and carries out the application screening and evaluation of Cerasus spp. from the aspects of flowering period, shape and quality traits, overall ornamental effect, adaptability and rarity, The analytic hierarchy process was used to evaluate 30 Cerasus spp. varieties of 10 strains in Yuyuantan Park, Beijing. The evaluation results showed that there were 6 varieties of mountain Cerasus spp., C.serrulata, Cerasus×yedoensiscv. Amagaiyoshino×C. campanulata and the other bank of C.subhirtella f.ascendens. There are 4 varieties of Cerasus spp. In Cerasus×yedoensis cv.Yedoendis,C.lannesianacv.Mascume-hayakaki,C.lannesianavar. speciosacv.Yabani-ohshimaand Cerasus×subhirtella cv.Yaebeni-higan, and the flowering period is closely connected with the morning and evening Cerasus spp. period; There is a variety of evening cherry blossoms. According to the flowering period, adaptability and overall viewing effect of different varieties, the best configuration and application scheme is put forward, which provides a reference for the landscape design of Cerasus spp. special garden in Beijing and the collocation among varieties.
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