Implementation Mechanism of Village Regulationsfrom Perspective of Rural Revitalization
中文关键词: 《乡村振兴促进法》  村规民约  落实机制  村庄治权  合法化
英文关键词: Law on the Promotion of Rural Revitalization  village regulations  implementation mechanism  village governance  legalization
朱奎 贵州大学 法学院贵州 贵阳550025 
摘要点击次数: 1133
全文下载次数: 1222
      Law on the Promotion of Rural Revitalization fully affirms the positive role of village regulations and makes clear its specific connotation. The survey finds that due to the weakening of villagegovernance, thelackofsocialfoundationforself-consciousdevelopment,andthelackofeffective incentive and punishment measures in practice, the effectiveness of village regulations is reduced. Based on the background of law-based society construction, the effective use of the value of village regulations must give legal and effective governance to the formulation subject. Its core lies in the balance and coordination of primary-level autonomy and rule of law norms, and on this basis, rural autonomy and initiative development ability should be mobilized. Looking at the development of village regulations from the perspective of rural revitalization, it is necessary to adhere to the bottom line of rule of law, promote the integration of rule of virtue system into the construction of rule of law, and explore the establishment of legitimate and effective implementation mechanism, which is expected to promote the effective use of village regulations.
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