A Study on the Development Dilemma and the Path of Rural Land Management Right System in China
中文关键词: 土地经营权  三权分置  土地产权理论
英文关键词: land management right  three rights separation  theory of landp roperty right
李帅东 武汉大学 马克思主义学院湖北 武汉430072 
初传凯 武汉大学 马克思主义学院湖北 武汉430072 
摘要点击次数: 1057
全文下载次数: 622
      Land management right is a new power concept from the implementation of the policy of "three rights separation", but it is still closely related to land ownership and land contract right. Under the framework of the theory of land property right, the land management right system has a profound theoretical background, a clear development path and a specific realistic predicament, which reflects the unity of theoretical logic, historical logic and practical logic. At present, under the background of "three rights separation", the rural land transfer process is developing rapidly. However, the land management right itself still has theoretical problems in concept and legal definition. In the transfer process, there exists practical difficulties such as non-standard land transfer, infringement of the land management right of contracted farmers, infringement of the land ownership contract right and imperfect supporting policy and facilities. To develop and perfect land management right and ensure the smooth transfer mechanism of land management right, it is necessary to strengthen the system design and legal norms, and enhance the supporting services and management of land transfer, so as to promote the solid implementation of the policy of "three rights separation".
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