Review and Prospect: Research on the Realization of Residents' Sense of Fulfillment in China
中文关键词: 获得感  时代内涵  测量维度  生成机制
英文关键词: sense of fulfillment  connotation of the times  measurement dimensions  generation mechanism
王鹤桦 贵州民族大学 社会学院贵州 贵阳 550025 
李玉梅 贵州民族大学 社会学院贵州 贵阳 550025 
摘要点击次数: 1059
全文下载次数: 351
      获得感是检验人民群众美好生活的重要指标。在中国知网中文核心期刊和CSSCI 数据库中,以“获得感”为主题的841 篇文献为研究样本,梳理相关研究内容和研究方法。研究结果表明,关于获得感的研究总体呈上升趋势,对获得感的时代内涵、测量维度、生成机制和提升路径等方面的研究已呈现相对繁荣的局面,但大多是以心理学和经济学相关理论为支撑的定量研究,运用社会学、政治学等学科理论为基础的定性研究还有待加强。基于此,未来研究要在科学开发获得感量表的基础上,借助多学科研究方法,对不同群体的获得感生成机制进行深入研究,探索不同情境下居民获得感的多重实现路径。
      The sense of fulfillment is an important indicator for testing the good life of the people.Taking 841 documents with the theme of "sense of fulfillment" in the Chinese core journals of CNKI and CSSCI database as research samples, the relevant research content and research methods were sorted out.The research results show that the research on the sense of fulfillment is generally on the rise.Research on the contemporary connotation, measurement dimensions, generation mechanism and improvement path of the sense of fulfillment have shown a relatively prosperous situation. However, most of the studies are quantitative research supported by theories from psychology and economics, while qualitative research based on disciplines such as sociology and political science still needs to be strengthened. Based on this, future research should, based on the scientific development of sense of fulfillment scales, use multidisciplinary research methods to conduct in-depth research on the generation mechanisms of different groups' sense of fulfillment, and explore multiple paths to achieve residents' sense of fulfillment in different situations.
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