Research on the Construction of an Evaluation System for the Ideological and Political Effects of Public Physical Education Courses in Higher Vocational Colleges
中文关键词: 高职院校  课程思政  效果评价  公共体育  体系构建
英文关键词: higher vocational colleges  ideological and political education in courses  effect evaluation  public physical  system construction
基金项目:2021 年度教育部人文社会科学研究规划项目(21YJA890042);2023—2024 年度江苏省职业教育研究
贾炳涛 江苏农牧科技职业学院江苏 泰州225300 
王昕 江苏农牧科技职业学院江苏 泰州225300 
周文福 哈尔滨工业大学威海山东 威海264209 
摘要点击次数: 740
全文下载次数: 858
      课程思政效果评价作为学校课程思政建设的关键环节,为提升育人质量提供重要的实践反馈和策略指向。分析高职院校公共体育课程思政效果评价体系的现状,发现其存在评价指标不够科学、评价方法单一及评价结果缺乏实践应用等现实困境。针对其困境,构建了以学生为中心,以校内评价为内环,校外评价为外环的评价主体模型,并从认知、情感、价值和行为4 个维度出发,构建了包含认知提升、情感认同、价值取向、行为塑造 4 个一级指标,18个二级指标的高职院校公共体育课程思政效果评价指标体系,并对体系的各指标进行赋值,为高职院校公共体育课程思政效果评价体系的构建与完善提供借鉴参考。
      As the key link of school curriculum ideological and political construction, the evaluation of curriculum ideological and political effect provides important practical feedback and strategic direction for improving the quality of education. By analyzing the present situation of the evaluation system of ideological and political effect of public physical education course in higher vocational colleges, it is found that the evaluation index is not scientific enough, the evaluation method is single and the evaluation result is lack of practical application Prpepce. In view of the dilemma, a student-centered evaluation subject model is constructed, with internal evaluation as the inner loop and external evaluation as the outer loop.Starting from the four dimensions of cognition, emotion, value and behavior, four first-level indicators including cognitive improvement, emotional identification, value orientation and behavior shaping are constructed. The evaluation index system of public physical education course ideological and political effect in higher vocational colleges is composed of 18 secondary indexes, and each index of the system is assigned a value, which provides reference for the construction and improvement of the evaluation system of public physical education course ideological and political effect in higher vocational colleges.
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